Discovering a World of Flavour with unearthed®

Discovering a World of Flavour with unearthed®

Discovering a World of Flavour with unearthed® – In a world teeming with culinary delights, there’s something truly magical about exploring the diverse flavours and ingredients that span the globe. From the aromatic spices of the Mediterranean to the savoury delights of South America, each region offers a rich tapestry of tastes waiting to be savoured. And for those with an adventurous palate, unearthed® beckons as a gateway to a world of flavour like no other.

Until recently I was purchasing many unearthed® products without realising it. Having attended a recent launch of their new delicious lines they are now high on my radar when visiting my local supermarkets adding a larger selection to my shopping basket. The taste and quality are by no means exceptional and add diverse and exciting world foods to my table.

Join Women Talking as we exploring the tantalising treasures waiting to be discovered with unearthed®

Discovering a World of Flavour with unearthed®

Curated Selections from Around the World:

unearthed® takes you on a journey across continents, curating an exquisite selection of artisanal foods and ingredients from some of the world’s most renowned culinary regions. From Spanish chorizo to Italian antipasti, comfort food from Germany and classic French meats.  No trip to Lisbon is complete without eating at least one Pastel de Nata; deliciously flaky pastry with a sweet traditional custard filling, caramelised on top and served with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Similarly, no trip to San Sebastian is enjoyed without indulging in Basque Cheesecake. These new sweet additions to the range allow you to indulge in a gastronomic exploration without leaving the comfort of your home.

Discovering a World of Flavour with unearthed®

Authenticity and Quality:

At the heart of the company lies a commitment to authenticity and quality, ensuring that each product reflects the true essence of its origin. Every item in the unearthed® collection is carefully sourced and selected to uphold the highest standards of taste and tradition.

Inspiration for Culinary Creativity:

It is not just about enjoying delicious food – it’s about inspiring culinary creativity and exploration. Born in 2008 out of a desire to share travel inspired foodie discoveries with the rest of the UK, this inspirational company offer an array of flavourful ingredients empowering you to experiment with new recipes and cooking techniques, adding a touch of global flair to your kitchen creations. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply treating yourself to a gourmet feast, they provide the inspiration you need to elevate your culinary repertoire.

Discovering a World of Flavour with unearthed®

Convenience and Accessibility:

Whether you’re browsing the aisles of your local supermarket or exploring the online marketplace, they offer a convenient and accessible way to discover new products and flavours. If you are stuck for new recipes and snacks visit their recipe selection online here. You will certainly find something to inspire.

Action Against Hunger – Taking their Love for Food Further

Since 2010 unearthed® have supported Action Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organisation that works to save the lives of children suffering from life-threatening malnutrition, by donating 1p from every pack sold towards their life-saving work. Find out more about their charity work here.

Poppy Watt

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